William Morris Red Small French Table Runner

William Morris Red Small French Table Runner
- 4.8 Star Reviews
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- Lifetime Warranty
- Est. to Ship Within 3 Business Days
- Woven in France
- 50% Wool, 40% cotton & 10% Other
This jacquard table runner tapestry William Morris Red is woven on a red background. It is inspired from a William Morris embroidered panel done in 1898. This work portrays large acanthus leaves on a floral background.
The symbolism of the acanthus leaf: as a perennial plant it represents enduring or recurring life. In ancient Greece, the acanthus leaf symbolized life emerging from death. As Christianity emerged and flourished, the meaning shifted to represent the Christian belief in resurrection. The thorns of the acanthus plant also symbolize sin in Christianity. The acanthus leaf has been be a very popular design theme throughout time. With its origins dating back to ancient Greece, choosing the acanthus leaf in your design plans may be a great way to connect to history.